Uncle Dirtytoes cannot contain all of the 'Toes creativity.
Therefore, 'Toes have created further recordings that you might enjoy.

Season of Change (Darrell Lea & Megan Hurt, 1995)
"Darrell Lea has teamed up with Megan Hurt to produce one of the year's best... like if Bob Neuwirth were a not-too-devout Celtic fan... Lea and Hurt combine all kinds of country-based American idioms and old-country antecedents."
Dave Cantwell, Kansas City New Times

Songs of the Troubadour (Maria Anthony, 1997)
This collection of songs celebrates the music of Ian Anderson of Jethro Tull. He has written hundreds of great songs; here are a few, along with a couple offerings of my own. Tull has been a real inspiration to me, and to so many devoted fans the world over.
Ian Anderson turns 50(!) this year: this recording is my way of saying thanks, happy birthday, and many happy returns!
- Maria, Summer '97

Thegither an' a' (Maria Anthony & Meagan Hurt, 2003)
An incrediblely diverse and unique collection of Scottish and original songs and tunes, ranging from sweet acoustic songs to passionate rock orchestrations and progressive conceptual pieces; truly beautiful and inspired music.